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Product Details

Habit : Polyscias scutellaria ‘Fabian’ grows upright and can reach an average height of 1 – 1.5 m and a spread of 40 – 60 cm breit.
Water : Milkwort needs to be watered regularly.
Location : Prefers any location with partial shade
Optimal temperature: Soil demands: well-drained, lime-free, rich in nutrients.
Use : E.g. as house plant
Planting : Potting soil might lose its properties in the course of time. We recommend therefore re-potting plants every two years in Spring.
Care : To keep your Milkwort looking good and in the best of health, follow our expert´s advice:
Use a soap-spiritus-mixture to combat scales. You´ll get rid of spider mites through showering house plants in the bathroom. We recommend place house-plants that are sensitive to sun on a windowsill facing either East or West or with evening sun.